When you have a dog in the house, you have to take extra measures to make sure your dog is safe from things in the house and the house is protected from the dog. However, one thing you may not consider is the fact that certain aspects of your plumbing also have to be protected. Take a look at three ways to protect your plumbing system if you have a dog. 

1. Make sure any accessible pipes are kept covered. 

Dogs, especially puppies, go through stages when they chew on anything almost like a small child wants to put everything in their mouth to explore it. If you have plumbing lines that are exposed, an unruly pup in a chewing phase could easily take notice and start chewing. In order to prevent such an occurrence and a plumbing repair call, it is best if you do what you can to conceal the pipes that are exposed in your home. For example, if your dog is showing interest in the inlet water lines leading to the toilet, you may have to temporarily block them from view with a small piece of paneling. 

2. Use a screen to catch hair during bath time. 

A lot of hair will come off of your dog during bathtime—it's just a given. You do not want all this hair going down your drains, because eventually, it will lead to a clog and you will need a plumber for repairs. Pick up a cheap screen for the drain and use it every time you give your dog a bath. If you have a small dog and you give baths in the kitchen sink, you still need to use a screen even if you have a garbage disposal; hair can wreak havoc on this appliance. 

3. Prevent your dog from digging around in the backyard. 

The majority of the plumbing pipes, septic lines, and drain lines are situated underground. While most lines will be situated under the house, there are a few lines that will lead out into the yard. If you have a dog that likes to dig, any plumbing pipes in your backyard can be vulnerable to damage. Therefore, you may have to implement safeguards to protect this from happening. For example, having your plumbing lines marked by a professional can help you see where it would be best to situate a containing area for your dog when it is outside. 

For more information, contact a plumbing service in your area.
